A Life Upgrade

I am upgrading your life.

You have been ordering off the dollar menu long enough.

You have been trying to purchase for yourself, out of your little, the things that you need for a full and victorious life.

Instead, offer your little to Me and receive in exchange all that I Am.

Through My death and resurrection I have purchased fullness of life for all who come to Me.

I care about your health; mentally, physically and spiritually and long to infuse each area of Your life with My healing and strength.

I have the provision you need to accomplish all that I have called you to do with excellence.

Your unbelief and fear are blocking the flow of My life to and through you. I need you to believe in and trust in My words to you completely. You have already seen what your unbelief and fear have purchased in your life. Now watch and see what manifests when you place your confidence fully in Me and My word.

Begin by bringing the worthless currency of worry, unbelief and fear to Me and exchanging them for an impartation of My Spirit’s anointing that will bring you into a level of gift faith greater than you have ever experienced.

Much of what you have believed to be faith in your life has been a counterfeit. I have been stripping you of this false faith that you have clung to; faith in your abilities to accomplish anything of value apart from Me.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’
-John 15:5

-Aug 1,2014
-Photo Credit http://www.344pounds.com

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