I Will Fulfill Your Deepest Desires

Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. Give me your attention.

Remove your misplaced expectations towards others and place all your expectations on Me. I alone know what it is you need at any given time and I have promised to meet all of your needs.

There is nothing in this world that will fill the void I created in you. I created you for Myself and it is in Me alone that you will find rest. The deepest longing of your heart is to be with Me; in intimate relationship and abiding with Me you will have passionate, lasting satisfaction for your souls.

Come to Me with a thankful heart. Your attitude of gratitude will peel the scales from your eyes and you will see Me in the midst of your trials.

I am near to you always; in all things I never leave your side. I stand beside you watching your fruitless search for life outside of Me. I am with you in all things. I know your inner thoughts and am there with you time and time again as you seek solace and love apart from Me.

It hurts My heart to watch you groping around in the darkness for something to latch onto; something that will relieve the ache of your brokenness.

Time and time again you return to broken cisterns for a drink to quench your endless thirst. Why do you refuse to come to Me and drink? I will give you living water.

Drink the water I will give you and you will never thirst again.

You chase after the best that this world has to offer, seeking excitement and adventure, never comprehending that the path I call you to walk is the ultimate adventure. The story that I am writing is the only story worth spending your life for.

Do you think I don’t know what I created you for? Do you think I have not written a part for you in My story that far surpasses your fumbling efforts to make a life for yourself?

You hold on to your life, and in the process you lose not only your life, but your very self.

Do you not know apart from Me you can do nothing? Give up! Give up seeking solace in worldly pleasures. They are fleeting and bring no lasting satisfaction. Each compromise draws you further from yourself; further away from me.

I promise to provide pleasures and to satisfy your souls with good things from my overflowing storehouse of blessings. My supply never runs dry. I created you. I placed specific desires within your heart. I alone am the way to fulfill those deep desires.

Follow me and I will lead you. Drop your defenses. Abandon your pointless plans; they will only lead to your destruction. Pray for an increase of faith and for healing from the misconceptions you have held for far too long about Me.

I am good. I am love. I have your best interests at heart. Believe My words, obey My words, and you will find the life you long for.

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