I See You.


I see you. I see you’re faithfulness to Me and My ways in your life. I know your heart and the desires that burn there. My sweet child, you are a joy to My heart! When others turn aside to other gods when they don’t understand why I have allowed certain painful and difficult circumstances, you turn towards Me with greater passion. I love how you climb into my lap and accept my comfort as sufficient in your insufficiency. There is nothing or no one that can take from you the greater portion that you have chosen. I know that I can trust you. You know that you can trust Me. What sweet intimacy! Can you see Me smiling down on you? Do you hear the heavenly songs of deliverance the angels are singing as they form a circle of protection around you?

Know this, there is no devil in hell and no plan or failure of any human on this earth, that can hold back My hand in your life. I am moving swiftly on your behalf to bring about the desired results of your faith in Me. Thank you for leaving the when, where, how and who of your prayers fulfillment in My hands. You will not be disappointed. I will not disappoint you. Continue to march boldly forward. Believe that in all things I am working for your good. You have humbled yourself and I will exalt you, knowing that you will use all that I am blessing you with to glorify Me, because you see me as I am; full of loving compassion.

You understand how My divine restraint, that has left you waiting, isn’t to harm you but to build within your character and life all that is needed to equip you to maintain dominion over the greater levels of authority and provision that I am pouring into your lap.

Today is a day of celebration! Celebrate the victory of the battle that has already been won on your behalf. Celebrate your promotion in My Kingdom army.

You have been tested and tried. You have proven yourself a soldier able to follow orders; willing to lay your life down for Me, My cause and the lives of others.

I trust you.

Let these words sink deep into your soul.

I trust you.

Because you have spent many years listening to my voice and following my orders, your heart, mind and desires have merged with Mine. You know My voice and a strangers voice you do not follow. This year is a year of promotion, fulfillment, and prosperity; what has been developed and nurtured in the heavenly realm is being birthed in the natural. Use your natural voice to call forth whatever it is you need and watch it manifest. Do not doubt for one second that I have anointed you with the creative power to cause every obstacle to your desires manifestation destroyed. You desire what I desire, there is no hindrance to My will being done through you that will not be removed.

Now is the time.

There is nothing too difficult for you because you are walking in My will and are therefore connected to and can draw from My omnipotence the power you need. You have not shrunk back in fear or cowardice and have drank from the cup from which I drink. You have died and now I am your life. I am thrilled with you. Understand this, not for one second have I held your sometimes faltering steps of obedience against you. I have seen how far you have come; your growth into My image more and more over the years is what I see, not how far you have to go. You are complete in Me. You continue to allow me to search your heart and shine the light of My love in dark and wounded places.

Thank you for not keeping Me out. Thank you for welcoming Me into your life and heart with open arms. Thank you for your faithfulness and refusing to turn to idols in your confusion and pain.

You are precious.

You are special.

You are a one of a kind creation and I love you.

I will love you through all of eternity.

17 thoughts on “I See You.”

  1. That’s great Emily….Your words have been comforting. It’s hard at times because all there ever is, is sin. And that blinds me from seeing His love, mercy and grace! I feel overwhelmed at times at how far I fall short of God and His standard and your post revealed that in me but it’s not about how good I think I am but it’s about His grace…… Thanks again for sharing the word you got from God!


  2. He spoke them to me, for me, but I thought to share them because as personal as it was to me, sometimes what I hear Him speaking to my heart speaks to someone else too. I don’t alway get it right either. I think that’s why I heard, ‘Understand this, not for one second have I held your sometimes faltering steps of obedience against you. I have seen how far you have come; your growth into My image more and more over the years is what I see, not how far you have to go. You are complete in Me. You continue to allow me to search your heart and shine the light of My love in dark and wounded places.’

    There have been times that I have been angry with God. I’ve doubted his goodness and justice. I’ve lagged behind and dragged my feet and been afraid and full of anxiety, but I guess He sees my heart, that what I want more than anything else is to be with Him. I no longer deliberately go on sinning. Sometimes I have to fast and pray and repent and suffer and be given signs and Words and confirmation, bc I am not alway 100% in step with him right off, but when I know where Hes leading me, I go. I go even when it hurts. I spend a good deal of time seeking His face. I talk to Him constantly. I still struggle with worry sometimes but I even talk to Him about that as I struggle through. I don’t know. I guess He’s merciful and is thrilled with our desire to be with him and please him. Even if we are a little bumbly about it.

  3. Thank you for sharing these words Emily.
    I have a question. Who are these words for? I know that’s a weird question to ask but let me tell you why I ask. As I started off reading I was like yes! But as I got further into it I was like these words are not for me. I have failed Him so many times. Doubts about my committment and sacrifice to Him bubbled to the surface of my mind. And that is why I ask this seemingly “weird” question…… 🙂


  4. Intimate and passionate communion with the Spirit; Yes! I’m pretty smitten. 😉

    I was glad to have read some of your poems today. I copied two to my notes and reread them later. Good stuff!

  5. Aw, sweet! I am excited about blogging again.

    I must still struggle to believe this at times or at least needed to hear it again. This was definitely a word for me specifically on Friday.

  6. It is so refreshing to know someone has such an intimate and passionate communion with the Spirit, and what an awesome, beautiful testimony you offer of this! All the best to you w/blessings!

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