I Make All Things New

My sweet, sweet, child, I know the weight that you are carrying. I long for you to cast your care on Me and let Me help you shoulder the load. It is too heavy for you to carry alone. Who in all the world can you depend on like you can depend on Me? I have said if someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two, and you have gladly done as I commanded.

You never imagined in all your hoping that what was thought to be one of the greatest gifts from My hand would demand that you climb the heights of a snow covered mountain. You realized in triumphant wonder one day you’d reached the top only to turn around and notice you can’t see the good that has been done; you look around and assume you’re stuck on the top of a mountain in a snow storm. My warmth radiating from the inside of you feels no match for the harsh and freezing conditions around you.

You look around for shelter. Come to Me; I alone can shelter you from the elements that you still believe are beyond your control. You search the outskirts of the terrain for anything you can gather to build something suitable for a fire. Yes! Look around. What do you see that you can surrender to the flames of My love? Ask Me to show you what useful thing you have to offer and as cold as it feels, gather the things I show you and build a fire. The warmth that you seek will not be found in the hearts of your companions at this time, turn away from all distractions and give yourself fully to the task at hand.

You are faced with an icy environment, having been led a long and steep path, following the way of love. You have been led, not to the fruitful valley that you had imagined you were to find, but to a place not fit for human habitation. There were glimpses on the way building your hope for the glorious oasis you were certain was just around the next bend, but now, for days on end, you see nothing but ice.

The world can be so cold, you think. Where is the love that you seek? Where is the life that you long for? Where is the hand that you can hold in unity of mind and spirit, devoid of the cruelty of betrayal? Turn away from these questions now. Turn towards Me, the answer to all questions, and the fulfillment of all dreams. Ask Me to show you what more I want you to give. I am going to show you something completely new; something you hadn’t thought of yet, or not for a long time. ‘Give more when giving has brought me to this eerie place, where without the hope in what I can imagine, everything looks grey and dull?’

Do not be afraid of losing your faith. Even when you are faithless, I am faithful.

Right now, ask Me. Turn away from asking questions of those that are themselves part of your problem, and ask of Me, your solution. I do not want your love to run cold because of your surroundings. Together we will build a fire out of the more I have provided for you to give.

Don’t seek to warm yourself in the embrace of those whose love knows not the warmth of My touch. In your current condition, don’t feel responsible for being their source of heat. I am going to build a fire right in front of your eyes out of those things that I ask you to sacrifice to Me that will melt not only the ice and snow around you as the storm passes by, but will bring warmth to all that step on the path you are walking with Me. Look at your life. Would you hold back burning what could produce a blazing fire on the heights of a snow covered mountain when your very life depended on it?

Ask Me. I will be candid and specific. Obey, and then sit back and watch the scene change like a fast forward time-lapse of the changing of the seasons. It will be no miracle. You’ve been allowing the conditions to take you backwards to a time in your life when I was not known by you like I now am. I am simply going to reverse the lag created by the fear of future outcomes looking like the past.
I make all things new!

‘Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.’ –James 1:22

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