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Divine Setups

Be on the lookout for divine setups. One of the ways the Lord is going to be bringing deeper revelation this month is by orchestrating opportunities that He knows will uncover hidden things in your soul (mind, will, and emotions).

Don’t despise the testing. Remember the testing of your faith produces perseverance. There are going to be situations that stir up emotions, fears, doubt and unbelief. Don’t panic!

Recognize and ponder your responses and follow them back to their root. Not everything is as it seems at first. Life is not just randomly happening to you. All of the days of your life are written in God’s book.

This will proceed that. Unhealthy patterns and responses are being exposed, doubts and fears are going to be challenged and revealed invalid, what was once thought to be needed will be found to be undesirable, control will be revealed for the illusion that it is, lack a lie, and the idea that God is holding out dispelled in preparation for the divine exchanges this month that will be a part of the life Upgrade in 2017 that God desires to give.

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