Tag Archives: prophecy

Prophetic Word: More With Less

The Spirit of the Lord has been impressing on my heart that He wants to do ‘More With Less’ in the lives of His people. This past season of pruning may have caused some to lose heart or misunderstand what God was up to in their circumstances and relationships, but the Lord is saying,

‘Take courage! I am going to do more with less so that you will know that it is by My hand that you have been saved. I have cut away only what was no longer needed in order to make your life more fruitful. It is by My power that you will accomplish that for which I have purposed to do in and through your life.
‘Do not look to the hand of man or mammon to support you. Instead, take My hand and allow Me to lead you the steep way, up into the mountain peaks. From these heights I will speak to you and show you those things that you could not see in the shadow of the valley of doubt that you are now passing out of.

Come alone with Me. Do not turn back in longing for the things that I have removed. I have stripped away only those things that were hindering your dependence on Me. Why do you think it a burden to be brought to a place where you now know I am your only hope? I purposefully placed desires within your heart for the fulfillment of impossible things. Remember I have spoken to you that what is impossible with man, is possible in Me. There is nothing in My plan for your life that you can not accomplish if you are willing to stake your life on My promises.

If you will dare to believe again, and keep on believing, you will see all that I have promised you come to fruition. Do not allow bitterness and unbelief to set in and poison the waters. The clean water of My Spirit must flow freely in and through you if you are to flourish in the land of promise I am bringing you into this year.

When you see that you are surrounded by enemies, and you know that you are outnumbered, it is good to recognize that you are too weak to fight alone. Turn to Me and I will give you courage. I will instruct you. I will give you the exact time and method that is to be used to lead you to sure victory. Your confident assurance and bold obedience will be a sign that I am with you in all things. Trust me and I will throw your enemies into confusion.

I have ordained your victory because you have given your life to Me and long to please Me in all that you do. I have purposefully crafted the promises I placed in your heart to be too lofty for you to even imagine you can see their fulfillment without My hand moving on your behalf. I long to be involved in every detail of your life. It is My desire that you seek Me out and speak to Me about everything that concerns you. If you can accomplish your dreams apart from Me, they have not been inspired by My Spirit that lives in you. Let your fear drive you deep into My heart. Spend ample time in My Presence to be refreshed and encouraged to believe.

It pleases Me that you have a passion to see My hand move miraculously in your circumstances. I will glorify Myself through your walk of faith. Cling to Me, knowing that My sovereign hand will guide you in all things.

Refuse to doubt what I have spoken because the odds are stacked against you. I am doing more with less. I am multiplying your little exponentially in this season if you surrender all that you have and all that you are for My plans to be fulfilled through you. There is nothing too hard for Me. Whatever you have in your hand, consecrate it to Me. Whatever you give to Me, I will multiply. Follow Me and I will lead you; I will give you the wisdom and understanding that you need each step of the way to accomplish those good works I have created in advance for you to do.
Please share if you are blessed by this word. Haven’t signed up for the conference yet? You can go to my website to request prayer, access additional resources, or learn more about Kingdom People. Kingdom Purposes. Conference 2018.