Tag Archives: devotional

How to Get Your Joy Back

Did you know that unrepented, unconfessed sin can literally make you sick? There is no way to experience the abundant life God has promised without walking in the light of truth. Examine yourself before the Lord, when He brings conviction and correction confess your sins and turn from them.

Often times we wrongly believe it is someone else’s sinful attitude and behaviors that are causing the emotional turmoil going on inside us, when in fact, it is our own unrepented and unconfessed sins.

God offers freedom for sins through the cross of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus was shed for the sins of the whole world. Does the whole world experience the glorious freedom that is offered? No. And neither will we if we continue on in our sin without repentance.

The Bible says that people perish for lack of knowledge. It’s important to know and meditate on all parts of the scriptures, not just those that are easy to swallow. God wants to give us a wonderful, blessed, and joyous life, but if we are still bound by our sins, wallowing in addictions year after year, not growing up in our faith, the enemy will continue to bring destruction and keep us locked in prisons of our own making.

Christ died to set us free!!!!

We will not reach perfection while still in this body, but we must press on and fight to apply the victory of the cross to our lives. I am not suggesting that we have a morbid preoccupation with finding every fault we can find in ourselves and walking in condemnation. I am writing to encourage you to walk daily in the light of His Presence. If God is dealing with you about something, its because He wants to set you free from it. He won’t tell you everything that’s wrong with you all at once, but if you are intimately connected to Him and surrendered to His work in your life, you will get dealt with. REJOICE!

Agree with God. Repent and confess known and unknown sins. Receive forgiveness and cleansing. Receive back the JOY of your salvation that is forfeited by deliberately continuing on in a sinful behavior.

‘If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?’

~Hebrews 10:26-29

Give Up Trying to Make Yourself Happy

You are not powerless. By an act of your will refuse to view yourself and your circumstances as devoid of hope. God is still on the throne.

We aren’t called to be groveling beggars always on the outside looking in on the life we only wish we had.

There is no use waiting for this or that to manifest as if your life will finally be worth celebrating at some later date of dream fulfillment. We have one life and it must be lived passionately and intentionally moment by moment if we are ever going to experience it as God intended.

Whether sitting beside a dying loved one or walking down the isle to marry your long awaited promise, whether in debt up to your eyeballs or jet setting the world on a grand sightseeing adventure, the deepest longings of your heart are for God.

God is.

Whatever your character is now, whether a person that delights to do the will of God or a person that resists Him at every turn, isn’t going to shift just because what you are waiting for God to do in your life comes to pass.

Let God mold your character to fit the vision He has for your life. He knows what He’s doing. Cooperate. Don’t allow your longings to steal the purpose of the day called today.

If you are still focused on what God can do for you and not on God Himself and what He wants to do in and through you, it’s time for a shift. The word says in Mark 8:24,

‘If anyone intends to come after Me, let him deny himself [forget, ignore, disown, and lose sight of himself and his own interests]’

Messages on financial prosperity and prophetic words on dream fulfillment and the Big plans God has for our lives are wonderful and have their place, but until we learn that we are not our own, were bought with a price and that our comfort, needs and desires should not be on the throne of our hearts dictating how we are experiencing God’s love, goodness and beauty, we will never possess true abundance.

Give up trying to make yourself happy. Get yourself off of your mind. Mindfully look for ways to bless others and be a blessing. Good intentions, planned to be acted on when your ship comes in are nothing but illusions of obedience. If you believe yourself poor and pitiful with nothing to give and lamenting all those that aren’t giving to help you, you’re likely to stay stuck right where you are indefinitely.

God’s Word is chucked full of maps on how to have fullness of joy. Read it. Don’t imagine you would be satisfied if others would do what it says. Get real with yourself. You’re the only one that can stand in Gods way of helping Himself to your life.

‘But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.’
-James 1:23-25

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The enemy is grasping for straws. Much of what has been hitting your mind and emotions as legit concerns that the enemy has the upper hand in your situation is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

And those places where the enemy has gained a stronghold or an advantage over you? God has your back! Confess your sins to the Lord, turn from them, receive forgiveness and the blood covering of the cross. Ask for and receive His all sufficient grace. His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

It is time for you to enter the rest of God by submitting yourself and your cares fully to Him and disentangling yourself from the battle. Relax in the knowledge that He is on your side, loves you passionately, is fighting your battles as you place your trust in Him and is infinitely more powerful than all of the powers of darkness.

He is not wringing His hands, caught off guard by the tactics of the enemy of your soul. He’s got this!

Trust in God’s heart to protect and care for you and not on you own understanding of what is taking place and your fear, pain and anxiety will begin to dissipate.

He has not abandoned you. He is not far off. He is a GOOD Father!

‘This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.’
-2 Coronicles 20:15

Headed to the post office now to send a few more signed copies of my new book ‘Blooming Where You’re Planted: 52 Prophetic Words for Being Fruitful In and Out of Season,’ to individuals that have purchased them through my online store.

The box of books pictures here are those that have been donated by generous supporters like you! 😀👏🏻🙏 I am taking them to a women’s work release program for female prisoners and sending a portion of them to a homeless shelter in Arizona where a single mother with three children that follows this ministry is currently residing. She reached out to me last week and asked if there was a book fund she could apply to for herself and other ladies there. I was glad to tell her there was!!!

Your support is making the difference in the lives of others❣

If you would like to sow hope, life and encouragement into the lives of female prisoners and women struggling in homelessness by purchasing a book or several books for donation please follow the link below for instructions.

You can also purchase a book for yourself on Amazon or if you would like a signed copy sent directly from me to you go to my website and order there.


Miraculous Freedom

Every evil thing that is coming against you has to cease and desist and be used to strengthen you, heal you on deeper levels and confirm and move you into your calling in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood!

Press into the pressure. Dig deep. Walk through the doorways of pain that must be walked through to follow Christ into the fullness of your identity in Him and your destiny. He did not will evil on you. It is not God’s doing! Trust firmly in His goodness and His ability to take what the enemy meant for your harm and turn it into a powerful testimony and increased anointing that will be wielded against evil to destroy plans to cause further harm to self and others.

If you are walking hand in hand with Jesus what you experience in life will be used to walk you back through doorways of woundedness into the broken places of your soul that if entered bravely, and in obedience, with the true knowledge of God as a shield of faith before you will lead you to enter higher levels of glory and experience deeper levels of joy and peace than you have previously possessed.

No matter how strong the bondage was that the Lord is leading you out of or how violently you are being pursued by the powers of darkness that hate to lose their slave labor, God will make a way. Take what the Lord has provided, His instructions and promises, use what He has already placed in your hand, and command the waters to part in front of you. Walk in the miracle working power of God and cross over on dry land.

Praise the Lord as you turn around and watch Him swallow up all that has oppressed you. Don’t forget what He has done before. Believe He can do it again.

Don’t despise the process of your own deliverance. Trust and obey.

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.”

Exodus 14:22-23

Build Your House on the Rock

Stop thinking about the problem. Whatever you focus on you multiply in power over you.

Focus on the finished work of the cross. Search for and focus on scriptural promises that relate to the issues that seem to be pressing in on you.

Dream dreams. Envision yourself wrapped lovingly in the arms of the Father. Speak life over your situation. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Stir up your hope by guarding your heart and mind from contaminating influences. Set your heart and mind on things above, not on earthly things.

Everything, everything, you see with your eyes is transient. Keep an eternal perspective. Hold everything and everyone loosely. Only one thing is constant and unchanging.

Build your life on God and His word and the flood waters of life when they come won’t take you under.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
-Matthew 7:24-27



If I laid out all of the dates and times, all of the specifics of how I intended to answer each of your prayers and fulfill your hearts desires, would you have any need for faith? If you trust in Me, you will enter My rest. Take My hand and walk by faith, not by sight. Walk in My Spirit and the constraints of time will lose their power to tie you in knots as you anticipate how I am working all things for your good and My glory through the passing of time.
Step into the abundance of the NOW fulfillment. If what you are believing for is My will for your life it has already been accomplished. If you are grabbing and agonizing over one of the promises I have left for you in My written Word, stop. I am. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. By faith receive from Me all that I am and all that I have promised you. Accept My Words as truth and free yourself from the bondage of unbelief.
Take the limitations off of Me by relinquishing control. Do not bind My hands with your specific demands on how you believe I am to work in your life. Release your ideas of what is best for you. Your mind is finite and your view incredibly limited. You do not always know what is the best path and your limitations often block you from receiving the benefit of My hand of protection keeping you from the snares you steadfastly believe are your withheld blessing.
I have given My Word, ‘No good thing will I withhold from those whose walk is upright.’

Blooming Where You’re Planted

I need your help getting copies of this book of prophetic inspiration into the hands of women that are in circumstances that may seem like God has abandoned them to bring them into intimate contact with the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Love, the God of all-comfort.

With your help, lives will be changed, hope will grow and women in incredibly difficult circumstance will be encouraged to Bloom Where Their Planted!

Straight from the heart of God, ‘Blooming Where You’re Planted: 52 Prophetic Words for Being Fruitful In and Out of Season’ will feed your soul and speak directly into relvant life circumstances to bring a wealth of help, comfort, wisdom, peace and strength.

Purchase one for yourself and make the difference in the life of incarcerated and homeless women by your donation of an additional book(s) through Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries.

Today I am having fun signing and packaging these books to send to those that have already purchased their copy while praying the Lord make a way for me to distribute countless more through prison and homeless outreach. I need your help!

The child in me just loves stickers. 😉 Especially puffy ones.

http://www.emilyroselewis.org/store/ for info on purchase or donation

Codependency Is Not Ministry

Don’t join people in their captivity in the hopes of setting them free. It won’t work!

God does not take pleasure in His children putting their righteousness, peace and joy in jeopardy in a misguided effort to help someone else.

In relationships, especially with people that do not serve God, boundaries need to be established and the secret place where we are called to abide with the Lord should be guarded with all diligence.

Don’t confide in or take counsel from the ungodly if you are not looking to invite confusion. Don’t walk hand in hand with sinners if your not trying to be led astray.

We are called to be in the world and not of it. We will have people God calls us to be in relationship with for His purposes that are not like minded. Use wisdom and discretion. There are many warnings in scripture about being unequally yoked to nonbelievers. We are not to be partners with them. It’s not being judgmental. It is protecting what has been deposited in us.

Be willing to let go of anyone God is removing or that you know is keeping you from moving forward in Him. And to those that He has ordained for this season, keep your perspective, God’s perspective. Jesus was a friend of sinners but He didn’t trust Himself to them and He kept the perspective of Doctor-patient.

If your looking to an unsaved person or a person who is in rebellion to meet your emotional or intimacy needs, you are opening yourself up to be influenced, used or manipulated for evil and it is a sign post that needs to be evaluated for your own spiritual health.

Codependency is not ministry.

‘Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers.’
-Psalm 1:1-3