Tag Archives: prophetic

Ask Big

Broken dreams? Failed relationships? Disappointed expectations?

No matter what things look like in the natural, the future will not mimic the past if you stay in faith and keep your eyes on Jesus.

ASK BIGGER than you have ever dared to ask before. God is a BIG God, and He gives BIG dreams to His people.

It is no mistake that you were born at this time in history. God is raising up Son’s and Daughter’s that know their value and that know how to access the spiritual and natural ‘valuables’ in the treasury of their Father, the King of kings.

‘Ask and it will be given to you..’ -Matthew 7:7

‘You have not, because you ask not.’ -James 4:3

Many have been given a God given vision for 2018, but few are asking in faith for the provision to see what they are believing for to come to pass.


Fresh Prophetic Word!

Do not fear. Do not dread. Do not worry. Do not run from or hide from Me or you will miss what is coming in succession; a series of answered prayers, many of which have been held back from you in seasons past, have been and will continue to arrive as you put your hope fully on My desire and ability to come through for you.

You must step out in faith and let go of all that you are holding onto for security. Surrender all you are and all you have. Consider it all as belonging to Me; follow Me in all things with no hesitation. Empty yourself of yourself and spread wide your arms to receive My abundance.

I am coming with recompense and reward. You will reap what you have sown. I have taken notice of all you have given with Me in mind. Your continued generosity and obedience have removed that which was blocking the flow of provision.

I have stored every tear that has fallen from your eyes as you clung to Me even when you did not fully understand where I was leading you. Your faith and endurance will be richly rewarded.

The testing season has given way to a season of progressive UPGRADES. Ready yourself to be taken by storm. My blessing and provision are blowing in where the natural earth meets the supernatural ocean of My love. I am passionately in love with you and have been waiting for you to come to Me arms open wide with no pretense, no agenda, no opinion and no holding back. Full surrender, full confidence, full expectation of My goodness has changed the tides. Nothing can hold back My hand from moving on your behalf.

The purity of your heart and the sincerity of your love for Me blesses My heart more than you know.

Come to Me naked. Come to Me unashamed. I have cleansed you of your former sin and delivered you from your former shame. I put a garment of praise on your back, a crown of beauty on your head and place My signet ring of authority and power on your finger. Go forward in expectancy and assurance.

Stop flinching. Remember the empty tomb. Death can not conquer My life in you. The end will not resemble the beginning.

Prophetic Word: Angel Encounters

The Lord has sent forth angels into the harvest field of your prayers for loved ones! I am seeing prayers to God and efforts to bring revelation and repentance to others that have felt as if they were falling on deaf ears being brought to fulfillment in supernatural ways today and over the next couple weeks.

Ask the Lord to give you and your loved ones eyes to see the hand of God moving and revealing hidden things through supernatural angelic encounters.

These supernatural encounters are going to convince and convict in ways that will tip the balances in favor of truth and justice in your life and in particular relationships and for people that you have been standing in the gap for.

God is softening hard hearts, delivering people from long held strongholds and bringing redemption and restoration for His glory and purposes to be accomplished.

Prepare to Launch

I know there has been quite an abundance of what appears to be false starts to your assignments, tepid responses to your faith-filled prayers, and inadequate growth of the seeds you have planted. You are looking at today’s conditions as if what can be measured by your mind is the outcome of your confidence. Place your confidence more fully on Me and My promises.

Now is the season I am launching you into the assignments of heaven allocated for you. If you are being moved by your circumstances to doubt that I will answer your prayers, step up higher and enter the fire of My Spirit. Allow My passionate love to consume your reservations that have you holding back from Me your whole heart. Courageously step into the heat and allow it to burn off the dross of your hesitation.

Your harvest has arrived. You have many fields and many crops. You are focusing on the wrong field, a field that is not yet in season and neglecting to go forth in excitement to gather the abundant overflow of the crops that have fully matured. You will need helpers to carry in the overflowing baskets of My provision. Understand this, if you have sown in every season, you will reap in every season. Continue to sow into your next seasons harvest but do not neglect to act in this season to tend the seed that has already been sown. In prayer and in diligence do the work of one that trusts that My hand of provision is always full and reaching out to you. Ask Me to open your eyes to what you have overlooked.

Watch as I lay at your feet the long awaited answer to your prayers. There have not been false starts; there have been needed lessons in order to prepare you for the take-off that is upon you. There are rocket ship launch times on the horizon. The testing and the test runs where necessary to prepare you to captain the ship into the new territories that I am bringing you into at the appointed time. Shake off the shackles of misunderstanding My purpose in your trial runs. They were not mistakes. Strategically we have worked out the kinks that would sabotage your unveiling.

Do not cling to the past or linger long over the memories of days gone by as if they represent where I am taking you or how far you will go. What was, will never be again. Where you are going, I alone know the way and am leading you with My strong hand of power and favor moving on your behalf to clear the way. There is no lack. There is no one that has the ability to abort this process that is leading to the best possible outcome but you. Let go of the false notion that anyone else is standing in your way. Pack your bags, leaving behind all the pointless clutter of yesterday and focus on the task at hand.

You have been handpicked for this mission. You have been trained. Drop the false humility; your lack of confidence does not please Me. I have chosen you, justified you, and equipped you for My purposes to be fulfilled through your life. Stand up and command the spirits of darkness that have come against you to cease and desist. You are no longer to doubt Me or doubt yourself. What I have promised you is coming to pass. Enough of the holding back. Leave behind all that is no longer serving My purposes for your life and step into the future that I have prepared for you today.

Prophetic Word 2017: Upgrades

I am super excited about this Prophetic Word for 2017 on Upgrades! Please listen, share and subscribe to my YouTube channel. God bless! I will be posting a written transcript of the majority of what I say here for those that would like to have a written copy to refer back to.