Tag Archives: prayer

Thankfulness, Hearing God Speak, and Walking By Faith

Join me today in taking up arms against the enemy of ours souls by having a thankful heart that expresses itself through attitudes and words that confirm our faith in God and His goodness.

Let’s go forward with expectancy; believing Gods favor rests on us; that He is working all things for good; and that His grace Really is sufficient for us.

If your feeling pressured or hounded to ‘figure things out,’ do not lean into your own limited understanding.
Pause. Close your eyes. Take a few deep, slow breaths and say, ‘Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.’ Consciously breath in His peace and breath out your problem. Release control to Him.

Remember who you are. Remember Whose you are! You are a child of the Most High God, set apart and made holy by the blood of the Lamb. No weapon formed against you will prosper. Every tongue that rises up against you in judgement, you will show to be in the wrong, for God made him who knew no sin, to become sin, that you might be made the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ.

Got it? Okay, bask in these truths until your soul is settled down into His peace. Now in this clarity of mind ask God what He would have you do. He may speak something to you immediately. Do it without hesitation. It may not become clear right away. Do not worry. Ask in faith what your part is; ask for wisdom, now return to your daily duties in full confidence that He will reveal Himself and His way to you for whatever problems you face.

If you are not hearing God speak, or recognizing his guidance, look for ways to make more room for Him in your week. Inactivity does not always equal unproductiveness! Quiet time is the perfect time to reconnect with God and your own heart.

Don’t neglect to read God’s word! The exact wisdom, comfort, or encouragement you need could be tucked away in the pages of the Bible. Read it!

Ask for God to open your eyes to all of the ways He speaks to you throughout your days. Your daily lives are ripe with parables that explain the mind of Christ. Pray for ears to hear and eyes to see!

Finally I say, walk in love! If you don’t feel loving, that’s okay. Determine in your heart to act lovingly and to replace every unlovely or impure thought that pops into your head with loving and pure thoughts.

Exercise your love muscle! Your feelings will fall in line eventually. We are called to walk in love, not to feel lovingly.

If you are still not hearing God speak personally to you giving direction, consider that often, in order to hear from God, you must first be willing to do whatever He says. 

Sometimes we want to hear first before we make up our minds to obey. That’s backward. Determine first to obey no matter what, at any cost, then you may find the way was clear all along and it was your own unwillingness or hesitation that obscured it.

Also, once you do hear, obey without hesitation.

Don’t stand on the shore waiting for the water to part when you have heard God say ‘Cross to the other side.’

Begin walking in obedience by faith!

The waters will either part before you as you step in or God will enable you to walk on the water to the other side

How can I pray for you today? There are strength in numbers!

Purify Our Appetites

Self-indulgence, and giving into our fleshly appetites is sin; and it separates us from the presence and blessing of God.

Food has become the idol of many Christians today. We ask to see God’s power and glory while at the same time worshipping at the alter of food.

Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do. For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.
-Philippians 3:17-19

Thank you Father for your certain deliverance! We praise you for your healing power. We receive forgiveness for our sins and transgressions in humility, taking nothing for granted.

Lord, increase our appetite for you, may we hunger and thirst for righteousness knowing we will be filled. Help us to live balanced, self-controlled lives, seeking your face in prayer and fasting as we apply our blood bought right to be freed from the power of sin and the control of our fleshly desires.

Give us the power to overcome our appetites that war against our soul and the abundant life you died for us to have.

Train and equip us to rise up as a mighty army, marching forward in victory, declaring your praises and shining forth your light, calling those that walk in darkness into your glorious light.