Tag Archives: Prophetic Word Archive

My Thoughts Are Infinitely Creative

Step out onto the water and come to Me. You hear me calling your name and you see that I am holding out My hand to you. Why are you afraid that your own inadequacies will hinder My fulfilling what I am asking you to do? You can walk on the water because I have said, ‘Come!’

I do not lead My children into failure and disappointed hopes.

It makes no difference that no one else in the boat with you has ever walked this path I am asking you to step out on. Follow My commands. The vision that I have given you is the title deed to your dreams fulfillment. Behold, I am doing something completely new! I have chosen you, prepared you and anointed you to be My vessel through which I am creating a new way.

My thoughts are infinitely creative.

I love to find a heart willing to be filled with My ideas; strange and original. I Am the Great Artist. My creatures are to co-create with Me never before seen methods of meeting the needs of My people and drawing My lost sheep into the flock. Do not be alarmed by the questions of, ‘Has this been done before?’ The very uniqueness of the ideas that are flowing into your spiritual vision are the hallmarks of My mind being their Author.

Dare to believe that, in My strength, your hard work will yield great results in the advancement of My Kingdom on the earth.

One step at a time my beloved. Step out of the boat and feel the solid foundation that is faith in Me, and My ways with you, as you walk confidently on the water. Those that have stayed in the boat will watch on in amazement as you do what has never before been done; what is humanly impossible.

Unlike with Peter, you will not begin to sink.

I tell you now that I have fully prepared you by training you to depend on, lean on and draw your power from the fountain of all that I am and not from your meager human reserve. I have stripped you down for this season. Now is a time of building up, restoring, filling, overflowing, and abundant blessing.

There are divine appointments lined up and knocking.

Throw open the door of your heart and life and lead people into the storehouse of my blessing and provision. I have given you full access to all that I am. Welcome those that I send you with open arms. You will not be depleted. Continue to draw from Me everything you need; for yourself and for those that I am anointing you to disciple, heal and deliver.

I Am Making Streams in the Desert

The Father says today, “I am making streams in the desert. As you open yourself more and more to My wisdom and My ways in your life, I will open more and more doors of opportunity for you to walk through. Each place that I bring you to, will be for My purposes. My purpose is your assignment and your assignment in each situation and for each relationship and interaction will become clear to you in ways that you have yet to experience.

I am beginning to illuminate the path beneath your feet with a texture and color unlike anything you have touched or seen before. Your sleeping spirit is being awakened to the dimension of heaven, where nothing is impossible for those that believe. There is more testing ahead, but in each circumstance, a glance in my direction will enable you to comprehend the lesson and be changed by it. There is nothing to fear. Stand firm in faith. Trust My ways in your life and follow the path that I am marking beneath your feet. It will not be the path of least resistance, although you will walk it with ease if you take My hand and cast your burdens on me the moment you feel their weight on your shoulders.

Do not pause long in mediation on how I intend to fulfill My promises to you or make your dreams come to pass. Simply ask Me what your part is daily and do what I set in front of you to do. One step at a time, one day at a time, one lesson at a time, you will be moved forward into all that I have prepared for you. Learn to take time away; set aside time in your schedule to speak with Me and learn to quiet your thoughts, so that you can hear what I have to say to you. You will be blessed beyond measure as you grow in this spiritual discipline. Each new level I bring you to, will require you to have learned to draw on My strength on a deeper level and lean not on your own understanding. When you are prepared, right on time, I will open a door to the next season of your life.

Claim from My storehouse of blessing everything you need for each day. Do you need healing in your body? Claim it as done! Do you need financial provision? Claim it has arrived! Do you need grace to deal with difficult circumstances or people? Claim grace to cover your relationships and situations. Do you need wisdom? Claim My wisdom and understanding. Everything I have I give to you so that you can go and bear much fruit. I desire that you live a fruitful life; vibrant and pulsating with My power. You are My son and bear My image to the world. You are blessed more than you can now comprehend. I am for you, not against you. I will make all things in your life to work together for good when you love Me.

You are called to be apart of My good purposes on the earth. Nothing can separate you from My love.’

Submerged In Pools Of ‘More Than Enough’

Give me your wandering mind as an offering of trust and allow me to calm the crashing waves of anxiety caused by your desire to figure out how I intend to fulfill My promises in the circumstances and relationships that are most important to you. I am giving you exactly what you need to walk forward in confident assurance that I am moving to untangle the confusion, caused by your worry, that I do not have your best interests at heart.

You can only see what I have shown you. I have all of the information that is needed to bring about the absolute best and highest outcome to all that concerns you. Can you see that by insisting on trying to plan every detail of your deliverance, you rob yourself of the blessing that I have for you this day? Not only that, you miss out on taking the necessary steps of preparation that I am leading you to take by spending your time gazing into the future and projecting your ideas of the best solutions to your problems onto the screen of your consciousness.

This practice is filling up space that would be better occupied with faith in My goodness, loving Me, yourself and others this day.

Be present in the here and now.

I know that you need to be encouraged to hold onto the dreams and visions that I have placed within you. I do not mind you asking for signs and wonders and revelation that will strengthen you as you wait on Me, but on some days, I grow weary of your refusal to just rest when I am not showering you with My revelation knowledge.

Know that on the days when I am not dropping buckets of understanding over your mind, it is because I can see that you are already submerged in pools of ‘more than enough.’ I am waiting for you to open your eyes to the abundance around you, and with the joyful trust of a child begin frolicking and playing in the springs of my favor that you are already flowing in. It pains me to see you straining your eyes to the sky for a drop of revelation into your future and problems solution while standing in the waters of all that I am in your life up to your neck.

If you aren’t going to swim and play in My abundance, at least kick back and relax. Let tension and apprehension leave your soul and body. I love you! Close your eyes. Give them a rest from straining towards heaven to see what I am not ready to reveal.

Today I give you a choice. Either plunge joyfully into the stream of My Spirit that surrounds you, or lean back into all that I am for you in this very moment; let your feet leave the ground and rest on the gentle sea of peace that passes all understanding.

His Way, His Time and for His Glory

I am a friend of God! Woohoo. I LOVE walking in close intimate fellowship with the King of the universe. God no longer calls me a servant because I do what I see the Father doing and I pray what I hear Jesus praying and I desire what the Holy Spirit desires. I do not have to fear that my prayers will not be answered. I have Gods Word on this matter and He is not a man that He should lie. He reveals deep mysteries to me and its an intense and thrilling ride. I have fought through my doubts and fears into a spacious place of grace and power, a new level of glory and supernatural revelation. I am making it through another round of painful pruning and can see and taste the massive fruit that is coming in the next season. I remain in the vine. By the grace and mercy of God I live and breath and soldier on. I beat my body into submission. Christ has conquered death and it will no longer reign in my mortal body. He has anointed my eyes to see heavenly visions and deep and hidden things. He has walked me through the valley of the shadow of death once again. My knees wobbled and my brow sweat, but I clung to the hope of my calling in Christ Jesus and the dark and cloudy skies are clearing; the path beneath my feet is a steady uphill climb out of the valley and up the mountain that is lifting me high above my enemies.

Remain in God even if it hurts. Remain in Him when He leads you into darkness; when you can’t see where He is leading you. Remain in Him when you feel the cut of His knife; He is removing dead weight. Remain in Him and He will remain in you and your joy will grow and grow and grow. His power will be available to you to accomplish everything He calls you to do, and the desires of your heart will be fulfilled His way, His time and for His glory!
‘As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.”
-John 15:9-15

-Not sure who this image belongs to but will happily remove it if it infringes on anyones copyright

Your Enemies Will Bow Before You

I am working on your relational situation to bring about an outcome that is far better than your limited understanding can comprehend at this time. This is why I am not unveiling all of the details to you. Your part is to trust Me, to obey Me, and to go to war through prayer and fasting. Stop believing that you have to wrestle with Me to release your blessing. Yes, I am calling you to wrestle, but you are wrestling the blessing I have already released on your behalf from the hands of the enemy and unsanctified flesh that would hinder what already is loosed in heaven from manifesting on the earth on your behalf.

Do not ignore My explicit instructions to shut out all distractions and focus on the task at hand. Do not look for the manna from heaven that I have been using to feed you in the last season anymore, it will never be again. You are entering into your promised land flowing with milk and honey!

Now is the time to take possession of the land.

You have been tested and tried in the last season. You now recognize that your ungratefulness, grumbling, pride and unbelief are offensive to Me and have no place in your future. Don’t resist this time of uncertainty. You can be certain of Me and My desire to bring you into your inheritance.

I have striped you down to lighten the load for battle. Today you must rise up and take possession of your miracle. I have released it already. No need to ask of Me anymore for what I have already promised is yours.

Get up.


Shout songs of praise and deliverance.

Pray in My Spirit.

Open your mouth and declare the truth over those people and relationships that have been bound, not by My hand, but by the hand of the enemy.

Release My people through your intercession. This is not the time to focus on anything other than My face. Look on My face and you will see a smile of satisfaction as I watch you smear the enemies plans to hold back My provision and blessing. Listen for My voice and you will hear My laughter at the adversaries that rise up against you and your inheritance as My chosen and dearly loved child.

There is nothing to fear. Laugh with Me in the face of fear.

Bow before Me and your enemies will bow before you.


I See You.


I see you. I see you’re faithfulness to Me and My ways in your life. I know your heart and the desires that burn there. My sweet child, you are a joy to My heart! When others turn aside to other gods when they don’t understand why I have allowed certain painful and difficult circumstances, you turn towards Me with greater passion. I love how you climb into my lap and accept my comfort as sufficient in your insufficiency. There is nothing or no one that can take from you the greater portion that you have chosen. I know that I can trust you. You know that you can trust Me. What sweet intimacy! Can you see Me smiling down on you? Do you hear the heavenly songs of deliverance the angels are singing as they form a circle of protection around you?

Know this, there is no devil in hell and no plan or failure of any human on this earth, that can hold back My hand in your life. I am moving swiftly on your behalf to bring about the desired results of your faith in Me. Thank you for leaving the when, where, how and who of your prayers fulfillment in My hands. You will not be disappointed. I will not disappoint you. Continue to march boldly forward. Believe that in all things I am working for your good. You have humbled yourself and I will exalt you, knowing that you will use all that I am blessing you with to glorify Me, because you see me as I am; full of loving compassion.

You understand how My divine restraint, that has left you waiting, isn’t to harm you but to build within your character and life all that is needed to equip you to maintain dominion over the greater levels of authority and provision that I am pouring into your lap.

Today is a day of celebration! Celebrate the victory of the battle that has already been won on your behalf. Celebrate your promotion in My Kingdom army.

You have been tested and tried. You have proven yourself a soldier able to follow orders; willing to lay your life down for Me, My cause and the lives of others.

I trust you.

Let these words sink deep into your soul.

I trust you.

Because you have spent many years listening to my voice and following my orders, your heart, mind and desires have merged with Mine. You know My voice and a strangers voice you do not follow. This year is a year of promotion, fulfillment, and prosperity; what has been developed and nurtured in the heavenly realm is being birthed in the natural. Use your natural voice to call forth whatever it is you need and watch it manifest. Do not doubt for one second that I have anointed you with the creative power to cause every obstacle to your desires manifestation destroyed. You desire what I desire, there is no hindrance to My will being done through you that will not be removed.

Now is the time.

There is nothing too difficult for you because you are walking in My will and are therefore connected to and can draw from My omnipotence the power you need. You have not shrunk back in fear or cowardice and have drank from the cup from which I drink. You have died and now I am your life. I am thrilled with you. Understand this, not for one second have I held your sometimes faltering steps of obedience against you. I have seen how far you have come; your growth into My image more and more over the years is what I see, not how far you have to go. You are complete in Me. You continue to allow me to search your heart and shine the light of My love in dark and wounded places.

Thank you for not keeping Me out. Thank you for welcoming Me into your life and heart with open arms. Thank you for your faithfulness and refusing to turn to idols in your confusion and pain.

You are precious.

You are special.

You are a one of a kind creation and I love you.

I will love you through all of eternity.

Come Away With Me

No judgement. No fear. No dread. No doubt. Walk in complete confident assurance of My sovereignty in your life and in the world around you. No chaos. No rushing. Sit with me in heavenly places. All rest. All trust. Give up your need to control and question. Focus your eyes on the cross. Remember that many things are not as they seem. I am setting the stage for new life. I am the Master Builder. Your view is limited. You are but one part of the whole.

There are blockages baring the flow of your purpose being fully realized and accomplished. Let nothing impede your progress. Let go of things that are behind. Keep your eyes on the prize. Bury your talent no more. Banish all thoughts of defeat and condemnation.

I died to take away the sins of the world. Take your eyes off of sin and place them on Me and the finished work of My cross; sin will lose its control over you. I died to set you free. You are free. Walk in freedom by casting out thoughts and reasoning that contradict the Truth of My Word. Stop listening to the voice of the accuser, whom seeks to infiltrate My Kingdom by retaining or gaining ground in the hearts and minds of those that I have called redeemed.

There is no lack. There is nothing to worry about. Pray. Trust. Obey. One step at a time. One day at a time. March forward taking authority over everything that I have given you. Claim. Claim. Claim. Do not give up one inch of ground in your heart to the enemy. Your heart belongs to me. Believe this. When thoughts arise that do not spring from the fruit of my Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, know that you are dealing with arsenal from the enemy of your soul, or your own flesh, and cast them aside quickly.

Breathe deeply, inhale the depths of my love for you, and for the world, and release yourself, others, and the circumstance of life, into my hands of grace and justice.

Take time apart with me to rest. So many of your problems stem from your refusal to care for your mind, body and spirit through proper nutrition and rest. Realize I do not begrudge you what is your need. I am a Good Father and delight to give My children what they need.

Rest and be refreshed.

If you feel your energies are depleted, rest. If you believe you do not have time to take care of yourself in this way, you are not living the balanced life I desire for you to live. I long for you to walk with me in peace and quiet confidence. A harried life, full of responsibilities and duties, must include ample times of rest and play. If you do not believe you have time to spare for yourself and nurturing your relationship with me, you are spending time doing some things I have not asked or required.

In the same way I have created your body to benefit from times of fasting; resting your digestive system. Seek Me for guidance on the length and type of fasting from food that I want to use in your life. You will be blessed and become a greater blessing to others by this discipline I call my disciples to practice.

Come away with Me.

Learn to receive from the storehouse of my goodness every day. Stop anticipating failure and defeat.

I Am.

A Perspective Shift Changes Everything

Do not allow the divide between what your eyes of faith see that I have prepared for you, and what your physical eyes perceive as your reality, cause you to stumble into an ungrateful attitude of heart that refuses to be comforted in the here and now.

It is My desire for you to enjoy the blessing of peace and joy that flow from an attitude of gratitude.

Your dissatisfaction with what was once considered a blessing is blocking your growth.

You are not yet ready to receive what you long for. I need to be able to trust your motives for desiring greater things. As it is now, your pride is evident in that you truly believe that what you have been given for this day is somehow beneath you.

You tell yourself that it is My reputation that is at stake if you do not step into greater levels of glory and provision. Examine yourself more deeply My child.

Are you sure it is My reputation that you seek to protect?

Your viewpoint on some matters has been tainted by the excesses of your life and culture, yes, even by some of the teachings in the church.

Take pride in your low position.

I am pouring out into your life without restraint the true riches of my Kingdom. Oh how my heart longs for you to know and understand that I am giving you My very best for your life, right in this moment and for this moment. I am Your Father, how do you fail to see this? I know that you at times feel that you lack the ability and resources to give freely. Do not limit Me, and what I am doing, by your own limited mindset and view of yourself and the world around you.

Invest what you have been given completely into the lives of those that I bring to you. You will see how quickly the laws of multiplication, which I have set in motion, begin to manifest both spiritually and physically in your life.

The spirit of fear must be fought with a mouth that is continually filled with praise. Open your eyes and see how the forces of darkness have bound you up by convincing you to believe lies about your current circumstances and Me.

Banish all vain thoughts. Leave behind all pretense by abandoning your faulty systems of measurement.

You have tested My Word and found it to be true; pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Walk humbly before me every day and allow Me to lift you up when, where, how and with whom I decide is best.

This will be easy for you now.

Remind yourself daily that My thoughts are Higher than your thoughts and My ways are greater than Your ways. I will reward your longsuffering with deep abiding joy; you’ve tasted it, walked in it for seasons at a time, but a time is soon coming when there will be nothing that can shake you.

I am glad that you have held on in faith to my promises. Your faith will be richly rewarded in My time.

Once again, abandon yourself to the process.

Every day, with each new challenge, abandon yourself to Me. Relax your grip. Rest your troubled thoughts.

Repent for the time and life resource you have wasted in petty distractions trying to make this uncomfortable season more comfortable. Embrace the uncomfortable days with the same open arms you embrace the days of comfort and you will be protected from many needless battles.

-Photo by Bob Eden Copyright 2011 c

Cast Your Care

Stop trying to take care of yourself and let Me take care of you. You fret and worry; plan and connive, all the while I stand patiently waiting for you to turn your ear to My Words to you.

My words are life and will be a light showing you the way you are to walk.

Your worry offends Me.

Do you not understand that I have worked out every last detail in a plan of care for you and the ones you love?

Cast your care on Me.

I am not asking you to abdicate your responsibility, but to stop carrying the burden of care that weighs you down and steals your joy and hopeful anticipation.

I Will Fulfill Your Deepest Desires

Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. Give me your attention.

Remove your misplaced expectations towards others and place all your expectations on Me. I alone know what it is you need at any given time and I have promised to meet all of your needs.

There is nothing in this world that will fill the void I created in you. I created you for Myself and it is in Me alone that you will find rest. The deepest longing of your heart is to be with Me; in intimate relationship and abiding with Me you will have passionate, lasting satisfaction for your souls.

Come to Me with a thankful heart. Your attitude of gratitude will peel the scales from your eyes and you will see Me in the midst of your trials.

I am near to you always; in all things I never leave your side. I stand beside you watching your fruitless search for life outside of Me. I am with you in all things. I know your inner thoughts and am there with you time and time again as you seek solace and love apart from Me.

It hurts My heart to watch you groping around in the darkness for something to latch onto; something that will relieve the ache of your brokenness.

Time and time again you return to broken cisterns for a drink to quench your endless thirst. Why do you refuse to come to Me and drink? I will give you living water.

Drink the water I will give you and you will never thirst again.

You chase after the best that this world has to offer, seeking excitement and adventure, never comprehending that the path I call you to walk is the ultimate adventure. The story that I am writing is the only story worth spending your life for.

Do you think I don’t know what I created you for? Do you think I have not written a part for you in My story that far surpasses your fumbling efforts to make a life for yourself?

You hold on to your life, and in the process you lose not only your life, but your very self.

Do you not know apart from Me you can do nothing? Give up! Give up seeking solace in worldly pleasures. They are fleeting and bring no lasting satisfaction. Each compromise draws you further from yourself; further away from me.

I promise to provide pleasures and to satisfy your souls with good things from my overflowing storehouse of blessings. My supply never runs dry. I created you. I placed specific desires within your heart. I alone am the way to fulfill those deep desires.

Follow me and I will lead you. Drop your defenses. Abandon your pointless plans; they will only lead to your destruction. Pray for an increase of faith and for healing from the misconceptions you have held for far too long about Me.

I am good. I am love. I have your best interests at heart. Believe My words, obey My words, and you will find the life you long for.